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Video: What the Research Says About Retirement Spending

Understanding the average retiree's spending journey and the impact on portfolio withdrawals is a crucial aspect of securing your financial future. There are multiple retirement projection tools out there. Some are good, some not so good. But, they all share one major flaw, which is based on a significant amount of research. Watch to learn more!

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The Last Hike?

What tends to be the market's reaction to a Fed that is on "pause" and eventually cutting interest rates due to a slowing economy?

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Are Loans Against Life Insurance a Good Idea?

Whole and Universal Life Insurance is very confusing. On top of that, people think you can take a loan against the cash value, using the leverage to do other things with the money. Is this is a good idea or too good to be true? Check out this video for our take.

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Term Life Insurance: How much do I need?

It's devastating to have your spouse pass away unexpectedly. There's already enough for the survivor to have to worry about. Term life insurance is a cheap and effective way to make sure MONEY doesn't have to be a burden. The issue is, life insurance is often sold and rarely bought. We all think it won't happen to us, we don't need it, or maybe it's on the "to-do list" that never gets checked off. People also think life insurance is too expensive but with a little education, it might just get pushed higher up the priority list!

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